Friday, 2 February 2018

Baagi (BioPic Qandeel Balouch) has made record of make their audience into control emotions

Baagi (BioPic Qandeel Balouch)

Baagi (BioPic Qandeel Balouch) has made record of make their audience into control emotions .Jo Qandeel Baloch sari umar na hasil ker paye, vo uske marne ke baad uski naqal kerne wali ko milgayee, yani shuhrat aur dulat. Baaghi is a story of new era's Umrao Jan, about tragic life, tragic love and unfaithful relatives. After Humsafar, Baaghi's OST has broken all the dams of tears. Shuja Haider rocks this time . If Saba Qamar has nominated for Baaghi in Film Fare Awards, supposed just supposed, she will not only won the award but also won with high margin. Osman Khalid Butt proved himself as a best actor along with Father-Son duo Irfan and Sarmad Khosat. Now the concept about such struggling girls in media is changed, no one is in media by her will, it's the responsibilities of families, passion to have some name in media and a dream partner, compel many to die in and for media. Don't know where the honor goes when the families are dependent on the earnings of their daughters despite of having sons; and honor is came only when ... when she want to live by her own way. Dhool urti hai ya tanhai !!! 

Shuja Haider Song Baaghi OST

Last Episode of Baaghi enlast the effects on heart as blood ful scratch. Baaghi is about the moments, moment when she knew about her husband, who batrayed her. Moment when she thre away from home and she losed her child, moment when she call her home first time after leaving her village. The moment she hug her father and mother after a long time after her father's accident, moment when she proposed by her ultimate. It's about the moment when her brother insult her after asking the source of income, the moment when he killed her, the moment when her ultimate love heard her death news on TV and the moment when she's no more. It's all about Baaghi. Simply ansu thum nahi payee during last episode of Baaghi. People blaimed media that media tribute Qandeel Baloch, but they forgot that how much tough time she faced on her bad way, there was no respect no love; but above all how cruel his family who killed her in the name of honor, is this justified???

