Saturday, 21 October 2017

Watch Pyar Lafzon Mein Kahan Drama Filmazia Review Episode 4

Watch Pyar Lafzon Mein Kahan Drama Episode 4

Watch Pyar Lafzon Mein Kahan Drama Episode 4

Aşk Laftan Anlamaz Turkish Drama 

cast of Pyaar Lafzon Mein Kahan

Actor NameCharacter
Hande Erçel (Girl)Hayat Uzun Sarsılmaz
Burak Deniz (Boy)Murat Sarsılmaz
Sultan Köroğlu KiliçEmine Uzun, Hayat's mother
Bülent Emrah ParlakCemil Uzun, Hayat's brother
Pyar Lafzo Mein Kahan (in Turkish: Aşk Laftan Anlamaz) is a Turkish drama which will be on aired on Filmazia HD in Urdu dubbing. Pyar Lafzo Mein Kahan was the most awaited Turkish drama serial in Pakistan which will start from 13th October at 9:10PM Friday and Saturday

Pyar Lafzo Mein Kahan is a love story of two beautiful couple Murat and Hayat. The story revolves around them in a sad and a happy part of life.

Pyar Lafzon mai kahan episode 4 those three girls were talk with each others hayat and her two room mates about hayat job.
Murat get up and was making  his breakfast suddenly his girl friend who also model in his fashion designing office came to her home Murat feel bad by her surpize. She complain about murat secretry Hayat that she has insulted me in toilet and she disobey me I am your girlfriend so you have fire her but murat don’t take her words in serious way because he was not interested to listn any bad thing about hayat.  Her girl friend was got angry from him and murat was thinking about hayat when he caught her when she was falling down by ladder in office.

Pyaar Lafzon Mein Kahan Episode 4 720P HD Video

Murat and his younger brother were taking time at home and was busy with grand mother by making her facebook profile and searching girl for murat and his younger brother. His younger brother make fun with murat and laugh on murat activity for hayat.
Hayat plan to meet sona for apologize and request for help for job. She go out at evening time to sona house . first she deny to help but after her request she got agree. She ask her about you are genious and I am poor girl said by hayat. Any how she agree to help her.

Pyar Lafzon Main Kahan (Murat & Hayat) Episode 4 Hindi & Urdu

At morning time sona also send her SWOT Analysis reports. Which she request last night.  

Morning murat  and hisbrother both were traveling for meeting and murat call her secretary to call hayat at shooting place for interview with client.  At shoot place her model again complain his younger brother about hayat and murat . but he take this matter very light and ignore  that was episode 4. Hope you guys love and undertand it. Keep me inform in comments you like and express your words. Thanks

